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Unit 1-3 7294 Fraserview Place, Mission, B.C., V4S 0A3, Canada V4S 0A3 (0890278 B.C. Ltd.) Unit 1-3 7294 Fraserview Place, Mission, B.C., V4S 0A3, Canada
+1 604-820-8085, +1 866-233-6057,

Lumex Instruments

Insight into mysteries of Nature
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  • Analytical equipment
  • Analytical equipment
  • Analytical equipment
  • Analytical equipment


Determinación del contenido de carbendazim en naranja y otros productos de jugos de cítricos Lumex Instruments – Equipo Analítico 386

Determinación del contenido de carbendazim en naranja y otros productos de jugos de cítricos


Fungicide Carbendazim (Mercazole, Carbendazole) is widely used in agriculture to exterminate black mold (spot) on orange trees and treat fungus diseases of other fruit-bearing plants. According to the data of the World Health Organization, Carbendazim is toxic for liver, impacts reproductive system, and is considered to be a potentially cancerogenic compound. In most of the developed countries, the residual content of this fungicide is subject to national and international regulations. Researchers of LUMEX INSTRUMENTS, Ltd. have developed an analytical procedure for determination of the Carbendazim content in orange and other citrus juice produce using a capillary electrophoresis system CAPEL-105М.


The method is based on extraction of Carbendazim from a sample and its quantitative determination by capillary electrophoresis using detection at a wavelength of 200 nm.

Determinación del contenido de carbendazim en naranja y otros productos de jugos de cítricosDescargar la aplicación

Sistema de Electroforesis Capilar Capel-205
Sistema de Electroforesis Capilar Capel-205

Sistema de Electroforesis Capilar Capel-105M
Sistema de Electroforesis Capilar Capel-105M

Determinación del contenido de carbendazim en naranja y otros productos de jugos de cítricos Determinación del contenido de carbendazim en naranja y otros productos de jugos de cítricos - by
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Determinación del contenido de carbendazim en naranja y otros productos de jugos de cítricos